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Keeping Your Motivation

Like everyone else, I sometimes suffer from a lack of motivation.  Sometimes its easier to give up than it is to move forward.  This is especially true when you are trying to drop fat and even more so if you are trying to get your body fat down to single digits.  After months of dieting and consistent exercise, you may reach a point where you feel like you are "good enough." However, if "good enough" isn't where you want to be then you need a way to recycle your motivation and keep moving. Read on to find out what I do to keep up my motivation.

It's Neither Optional nor is it Short Term

Losing fat is not an overnight achievement. It can last for 4 to 6 months or more, depending on how much fat you have and how much you want to lose. So, viewing it as a short term goal isn't the best way to keep motivated because doing so will ensure that your motivation will wane as your progress continues. My approach to staying motivated over several months of dieting and exercise is to view it as something that is part of my life. My diet and the associated exercise is part of who I am. It's neither optional nor is it short term. It is integrated into life like personal hygiene or sleep. I don't take a day off and I don't stop. If you're busy then make it part of your schedule. If you have kids then exercise with them. The point is that you have to make your health, diet and exercise a committed part of your life if you expect to achieve great results.

Concentrate on Progress

Progress can be a huge motivator, even small amounts of progress. Don't worry about whether or not you are achieving your goals. Concentrate on progress and make sure that you are moving towards your goals. Baby steps add up to giant leaps.  If you can't see progress in your physique every day then take pictures once a week.  If after a couple of months you feel your motivation start to die then refer back to a picture of what you looked like a couple of months ago.  That should at least remind you that you are moving in the right direction.  And for me, sometimes that's all I need to keep moving forward.

Do and Eat What You Like

My diet consists of food that I like to eat. And my exercise routine integrates exercises that I like to do.  For example, sometimes I like to run. So, running is part of my exercise regimen.  I also like to do pull-ups and bench press, so they are part of my regimen too.  In terms of food, I love yogurt and I also love pistachios. Both yogurt and pistachios are part of my regular diet.

You have to do and eat what you like.  Because if you don't like it then you won't keep it up.  When I attended my classes for my Personal Training Certification back in 1998, they used to say, "Don't take away her cake."  What they meant is that reaching your fitness goals can't mean choosing between what you love and what you want.  You have to find a way to integrate both into your life if you want to stay in it for the long haul.  That's what I do and it really makes it seem like less of a sacrifice and more like something that enhances my life.

Break the Monotony

If you start to feel like you are in a rut, it's probably because you are. I am as guilty of this as anyone. I do this especially with my diet.  I eat foods and meals that I like but I get in a rut where I eat the same things day after day.  I do it because it is convenient but eventually I get bored and food becomes a chore more than it is enjoyable.  When this happens, I recognize it and I create multiple daily diets that fit my calorie and macro-nutrient requirements.  Sometimes you have to break the monotony to recycle your motivation.  If you are not happy doing what you are doing then how long can you maintain it? Answer: not very long at all. Find joy in what you do and in what you eat. If you can't do that then it's time for a change.

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