Cookie Dough Overnight Oats
I've been meaning to try something like this for months, ever since I saw this Brownie Batter Overnight Oatmeal Recipe on Dashing Dish. It looked pretty good and the ingredients and directions were simple enough. The problem was that I didn't have any chocolate or coffee protein powder left. But I did have some Gaspari Peanut Butter Cookie Dough protein powder. So, I changed a few things around and wow! It tasted just like soft cookie dough!
First, let's talk about the differences between the Brownie Batter Oatmeal recipe (linked above) and this recipe. The biggest difference is that I don't add any artificial sweeteners. Now, I'm not an artificial sweetener nazi. I consume a little bit from time to time. And I'm certain most whey protein powders include some Splenda. But if I have my choice, then I am opting for sugar or honey or agave or some non-chemical sweetener. It has nothing to do with dogma or religion or anything except that I generally don't like the way Splenda tastes and Nutrasweet gives me a nasty headache. And while I think Stevia is great in concept, I think it also tastes like the bad end of a skunk (or what I imagine that would taste like).
So, here we are. There are a good amount of carbohydrates in this recipe. But it's also protein packed and relatively low in fat. Hmm... what could that be good for? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
A Pre-workout meal!
And that's exactly what I use this for. I mix, refrigerate, wake up all groggy with eyes half open, reach in the fridge, grab a glass of this stuff and devour it. Then an hour or so later, I'm in the gym destroying some weights fueled by a caffeine (from the pre-workout supp) & carbo-induced rage that's pushing me to new PRs! ARGHHH!
Well, at least I have the energy to crank through my workouts, anyway. :)
- 1scoop Gaspari Peanut Butter Cookie Dough MyoFusion
- 1serving Jello Instant Cheesecake Pudding Mix
- 50g Old Fashioned Rolled Oats
- 2tbsp PB2
- 4oz Vanilla Activia Yogurt
- 1/2cup Skim Milk
- Mix all the dry ingredients up in a glass (protein powder, pudding mix, PB2, oats).
- Mix in the wet ingredients (milk & yogurt).
- Refrigerate overnight.
- Devour!
- Go to the gym!
- Lift some weights!
- Don't forget the gratuitous grunting!
- How could you forget the gratuitous grunting?!?!
Nutrition Info
Servings: 1
Calories: 638
Protein: 44g
Carbohydrates: 95g Fiber: 7g
Fat: 11g
Sodium: 799mg
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